Friday, April 9, 2010

My life as an ant

Did you know the average life span of an ant is 45-60 days? I was picnicing today while watching the little ants around me going about their business. I learned a few years ago how short the life of an ant is, and I began to wonder if ants realize how little time they have to live. Do they live each day to it's fullest potential? Ants don't need to worry about the future because they really don't have one. That sounds nice, doesn't it?

I did the math and counted 70 total days to this study abroad trip. So if I were a healthy ant, lucky enough to live for 70 days, I would have been born on February 7th (the day I arrived in London) and I will die on April 17th (the day I leave). I have done A LOT of living since I have been here. It is starting to sink in now that a very important period of my life is about to close it's curtains. Morbid or marvelous? What would you do if you had a week left to live?


  1. I would go to London and have a picnic.

  2. Well written, as usual.
    The hope would be that you wouldn’t have to alter your lifestyle at all. Living abundantly for Christ, is living to the fullest. Though, if I had to change anything, I might live a bit more extreme… probably blow my inheritance on skydiving, or something.

    God Bless,

    PS. I am now in Kenya and started a blog, Though, ignore the latest post as it was written in my sleep. :)

  3. Caitlin,
    Very thought-provoking. I told the editor of Banner News about your "philosophy" and she thought we should run it as a sidebar to your next article in Banner News.
    P.S. I've been chosen to be next year's DMACC London teacher.
    Jan LaVille

  4. Jan! I might just have to come AGAIN. That is exciting news!!

  5. I'm sure glad it isn't titled "My Life as an Aunt.."

    somebody would have some splainin to do. And it wouldn't be Lucy.
