Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Monday after Barcelona weekend we spent the first bit of class sharing our traveling experiences. Tiffany, Levi, and Mindy had gone to Rome and seen so many wonderful things. I was jealous and I hope to visit there someday. I shared my bad news from Barcelona, which was reciprocated by good news in the mail! My new Oyster pass (gets me around the city) had arrived after I had gone the week before without it. It had disappeared from my jacket pocket the previous Sunday. That afternoon we had British Life and Culture class with the whole AIFS group in an auditorium-like lecture room. I don't remember what this lecture was about. I remember the room was hot and sticky enough to be completely unable to focus, but too hot and sticky to take a nap. I tried to go to the Bank to get cash that day but I needed my passport for an ID. (my drivers license is somewhere in Barcelona)So on Tuesday I went to The Royal Bank of Scotland. (remember how much we LOVE Scotland!?) I was helped by a very friendly employee. He told me he would need to take my credit card to the back to call my bank. He warned me that sometimes these transactions are denied. After a few minutes he came back shaking his head. He sat down, looked at me and said "Sorry, it's been denied". I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. What am I going to do?? I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, again shaking his head. "I'm just kidding. Let's get you your money." We were both laughing but I told him it was SO not funny. Finally with cash in my hands I could relax enough to start writing a three part blog about my experiences in Barcelona.

On Wednesday we took a walking tour around the Temple District of London. This is where all the lawyers hang out. I had to hijack Gillian's camera a few times to take pictures. I was having withdrawals.. my camera was still in Barcelona. (I know, I know.. I just still can't get over it.) That evening the 5 of us ate dinner together before going to a play called War Horse. It was basically a story about a boy and his horse and how their relationship survives World War Two. Their relationship reminded me of my dog, Lucy. I miss her!! This play is highly recommended. You wont believe how realistic the horses are. They're basically very complex puppets. The people controlling the horses are SO talented. The horses seemed so alive and full of character.

Finally on Friday I treated myself to a brand new camera. I actually like it a lot more than the old one.. so the mugging was a blessing in disguise?

1 comment:

  1. However, Barcelona is a great city =)
    A great idea is visiting for more info about Barcelona accomodation
